
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
Episode 15 - 2015 in Pop-Review
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
As the year comes to a close, Tony and Emily look back on some of the best (and worst) entertainment that the year had to offer! We run through a list of movies, TV shows, and even a few video games and books for good measure, all of which made our 2015 something to talk about (for better or for worse)!

Thursday Dec 24, 2015
Episode 14 - The Force Reviewed
Thursday Dec 24, 2015
Thursday Dec 24, 2015
SPOILER ALERT! We've seen it, you've seen it, everyone's seen "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" by now...right? If you haven't then don't listen to this episode, but if you have, then come join Emily and Tony for some analysis, theoretical answers to questions posed in the film, parallels to not only other Star Wars films but classic sci-fi works in general, and so much more. You'll be so entertained, you'll roll through this episode faster than a BB unit on the hot sands of Jakku!

Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Episode 13 - The Force Remembers
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
"Star Wars" fever is in full throttle as "The Force Awakens" opens in the US! Tony takes this episode to talk a little about the back-story for the new film, as well as share some info on some of the "tie-in" novels and comics. For nostalgia's sake, we also take a trip down memory lane to chat about seeing the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy in theaters when they first came out, as well as looking to the future of the franchise as well. Cover it all, we try to do!

Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Episode 12 - An Interview With Kevin David Anderson
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! This week we had the opportunity to chat with Kevin David Anderson, author of "Night of the Living ZomBEES" and co-author of "Night of the Living Trekkies." We chat about books, zombies, Netflix obsessions, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Flash Gordon, The Walking Dead, and more. Plus, we look to answer the age-old question of whether Captain Kirk or Captain Picard would win in a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Only the hard-hitting questions on this podcast, folks!

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Episode 11 - "Character" Characters
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
After last week's comic-book character chat revealed a few names that some listeners asked questions about, Tony takes it upon himself to enlighten and educate the masses about some of the biggest personalities to ever hit the comic page, the big screen, and the small screen as well! A few select characters have been chosen as the most boisterous and entertaining in all of comic-, movie-, and television-dom; you know from last week about the comic-book crazies of The Flaming Carrot and The Tick, but who made the cut from film and TV? Listen in to find out!

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Episode 10 - Super(Hero) Love & Hate
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
This episode is all about the do-gooders, the caped crusaders, and the folks in spandex! Tony and Emily chat about their favorite heroes, their not-so-favorite characters, the key differences between superhero stories in the comic books versus stories told in movies and on TV, and most importantly, the intricacies of Aquaman's outfit. Riveting!

Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Episode 09 - The JV Monster Squad
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
We're still in the thick of Halloween season, so this week the talk is all about scary monsters - but you already know about all the "popular" monsters, so we proudly present the "Junior Varsity" monster team! We'll dive into the legend and folklore of 5 creatures that you may have know about, but may not know MUCH about. Plus, this episode was recorded the day after "Back to the Future Day," so Tony geeks out a little about that - as he is wont to do.

Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Episode 08 - Super Scary Movies
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
It's still the Halloween season, so what better time to talk about the films that frighten us the most? Join Emily and Tony as they chat about both brand-new movies and some of their all-time favorites - and a few horror TV shows make the conversation for good measure as well.

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Episode 07 - Haunted House Tour 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
It's the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas, silly - it's October and Halloween time! Tony and Emily embark on their annual Haunted House Tour, only this year, you get to come along as well to experience the mayhem. We visit three Indianapolis-area attractions: Necropolis, The Frite Lodge, and Indy Scream Park (links for all available below). Listen to our adventures, including a real-life near run-in with a 9-foot-long snake!

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Episode 06 - Bored? Games!
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Card games, board games, RPGs, video games - there are tons of fun feats of friendly competition to go around, and this week Tony focuses on his favorites in the realm of board/strategy games that he's been keeping busy with lately. Lots of games are touched on this episode, but there are lots out there that we don't know about yet, so help us out! Reach out and let us know what you're playing!